Prospects of the Study Program
- Technological developments in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 are moving faster. Terms such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Python and Internet of Things (IoT) have started to enter everyday life. This makes the need for experts in the field of technology also increasing.
- Companies that have a digital strategy and adopt AI technology, get a profit of up to 10% greater than the average for similar industries.
- Artificial intelligence is no longer a new thing, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. We can easily use AI technology through our smartphones.
What makes it different from other campuses
- International certifications from SAP and Oracle make Informatics graduates quickly recruited by top companies.
- Industry-relevant curriculum proven to produce winning students.
- The focus on leading technology (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) in all international courses and certifications makes Informatics graduates quickly recruited by top companies.
- Lecturers update from top campuses and have practical experience, which makes the learning process easier.
- Accelerated classes that allow students to graduate faster.
College Student &
Johanes Cristanto, S.T.
Januari 2019
Menjadi satu-satunya Fresh Graduate yang tergabung dalam Growth Hacking Multinational Team Grab
Tim Informatika ITHB Juara 1 Nasional
Januari 2019
Kompetisi web design tingkat perguruan tinggi "UNIBI Technology Competition"
Tim Informatika 5 Besar Nasional
Mei 2019
Tim Informatika ITHB berhasil menjadi juara 5 besar Nasional dalam kompetisi ”UAJY SILOAM HACKATHON 2019”. TIm ini berhasil meraih peringkat 5 besar dengan topik “Deteksi Katarak menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI) image recognition.”